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Senin, 27 Mei 2019


The best moment ever

     First time, I came here, I was nothing. I just an ordinary teacher who taught English language. I never thought before, teaching English with special students.  I must know what they need before, and the teacher must follow the students. It's so different, when you teaching English in General. Special needs students with impairment hearing needs sign language to communicate. In my experience, I learn sign language before teaching English. The sign language that used in my school is using ''SIBI" it stands for (Sistem Isyarat Bahasa Indonesia) or Indonesian Sign Language System and "BISINDO" it stands for (Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia) or Indonesian Sign Language. Two both sign languages are using to communicate with their friends.

  Sign language is an unique language, I am still learning this language. My teaching method is classical, with ice breaking in the last minutes. The ice breaking method is very useful for the students. They will always remember what they learned before. The students will enjoy the material. The students with impairment hearing needs visual and less audio. They can not hear the audio clearly. 

  They are so special, so I handle my students with special treatment. I am proud to be an English teacher, I get everything here. I am grateful to ALLAH, I learn many things here, Patience, and Patience. The happiest moment is when they able to learn from me as the teacher.


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Author: Joe Pete Lovers
I'm an English Teacher,I like blogging and Playing basketball.I'm simple and humorist man. Read More →

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