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Sabtu, 20 Februari 2016


Japanese and Javanese are Two Languages That are Quite Similar


Japanese and Javanese are two languages that have some interesting similarities to each other. How they were written in English are even almost the same with only the ‘p’ and ‘v’ part differentiating the two. The two languages have quite a lot of things in common. For example, in Japan, people refer to themselves using different pronouns depending on who they are talking to and in Java, people do more or less the same thing.

In Japanese, there are various first person pronouns including Watashi, Boku, Ore, Atashi, Washi, and many more. In Javanese, there are also various first person pronouns including Aku, Kulo, Dalem, and more. In Japanese, there are various second person pronouns including anata, kimi, omae, and more. Of course, in Javanese, there are various second person pronouns as well including njenengan, sampeyan, kowe, and more.

Usually, both Japanese and Javanese people use polite verbs when talking to older people. When talking to people who are in the same age with them, they would usually use casual verbs. For example, when saying “Are you Mr. A?” to an older person, a Japanese person might say “Anata wa A-san desu ka?” and a Javanese person might say “Nopo njenengan Pak A?” Both sentences are formal sentences used to show politeness.

When saying “Are you Mr. A?” to someone of the same age, both Japanese and Javanese people are actually allowed to use polite languages but they can also use casual languages. A Japanese person can say “Kimi wa A-san na no ka?” while a Javanese person can say “Opo njenengan ki Pak A?” in a casual manner.

Well, it is true that Japanese and Javanese are quite similar to each other but it does not mean that they are the same. It is because Japanese language uses tenses while Javanese does not. If you are interested in languages and you are interested in both languages, we hope that the things we write here can help you find some interesting information on the two languages.


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Author: Joe Pete Lovers
I'm an English Teacher,I like blogging and Playing basketball.I'm simple and humorist man. Read More →

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